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Established in 2002, the School Travel Forum is a not-for-profit organisation run by its members for its members.


We work with and are supported by leading stakeholder bodies including the Outdoor Education Advisers' Panel, and the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.


Our members span study, sports and cultural tours, and we are proud to be the awarding body for the LOtC Quality Badge for this sector. Our standards are the benchmark for all companies operating in the educational travel sector, and the requirements of the LOtC Quality Badge are part of our Code of Practice and Safety Management Standards. 


All our members are audited by independent experts each year to ensure they are complying with our safety management systems, financial protection requirements and fair trading policies. Find a member for your next school trip.


We also lobby and campaign for children and young people to have the opportunity to enjoy and benefit from the opportunities that school trips offer.


Our members are united in a common interest - to ensure pupils experience the most rewarding learning outside the classroom opportunities possible and want schools to have complete confidence when taking their groups overseas. We are here to make this happen. Find out more about the protection offered by our members.

School Travel Forum Committee

Our members are supported by an elected committee and a chief executive. The committee is responsible for the day-to-day running and operation of the affairs of the Association and for furthering the objectives of the School Travel Forum.

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